Tuesday 25 October 2011

Author Spotlight - Next Year for the Tabor Heights Series

"White Roses" is the 10th Tabor Heights novel. There are only two more books left to be released in Year One. So what's going to happen in Year Two?

Well, some of the people we've met in Year One will be getting married. That's a given.

And people you've met -- or are still going to meet -- in Year One will have stories of their own.

The next book, "The Mission," is due out in March of 2012. You'll get to know Claire and Tommy Donnelly a little bit better. Brother and sister, Claire and Tommy work at the Mission, which is run by Tabor Christian Church. Tommy is in a wheelchair. You'll learn what happened to put him in a wheelchair when he was a child, and how it shattered their family, and how Claire and Tommy are still putting the pieces back together years later. "The Mission" is Claire's romance story -- so in Year Two, Tommy get's his story, called "Wheels." All I'm going to tell you about that story is that Tommy is running Handicap Awareness Day, and quite a few unexpected things happen to him and a lady reporter who spends the day with him, in a wheelchair, to see how the "other half" lives.

Then there's "The Teddy Bear Dancer," which is the story of Vic Thomas, proprietor of the Gold Tone Gym, and his business partner, Rene Ackley. You met Rene in "Common Grounds." She's the roommate of Hannah Blake. The past has a way of catching up with us all, and while Vic is dealing with suddenly acting as a guardian for a 12-year-old girl, Rene realizes she has to go back to the town and the church that betrayed her and her father, and face the pain before she and Vic can try for a future together.

There will be 2 collections of short stories in Year Two, both dealing with students at Butler-Williams University. Look for more details on my web site, some time down the road.

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